About Festival

This year's Polish Culture Festival in Luxembourg is twice as special, because it is related to a double anniversary. In 2018 we celebrate not only the 100th anniversary of Poland's independence, but also the 10th anniversary of the Festival.

We started with vigour in 2008: during the first Festival we danced with Warsaw Village Band, listened to Polish jazz, contemporary, early and club music; watched animations and photographs by young Polish artists. Year 2010 was the Chopin Year, so we were enjoying various facets of Chopin's music – its classical, jazz and folk reinterpretations; we watched films and video art dedicated to the composer. In 2013, we organized a get-together of Polish and Luxembourgish cultures and we admired common or mutually inspired works of artists from both countries. In the 2015 Festival, we held not only concerts and exhibitions, but also a treat for those who wanted to spend time creatively: comic, photo and blues workshops.

Each of the previous four Festivals were therefore different and unique, but each time we've had the same goal: to enjoy the high quality Polish culture and to show its most interesting aspects to our friends from different parts of the world. A feature shared by each Festival programme is the dominance of music, a universal language that does not need to be translated into any of the numerous languages spoken in Luxembourg. It will not be any different this year, so hope to see you at the 5th Festival of Polish Culture in Luxembourg!